
Including fire-polished faceted shapes, smooth round druks, pressed shapes and more, the beads from Bohemian area of the Czech Republic come in a kaleidoscope of colours, coatings and finishes.


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SKU: E509 Category:

Lunar Lantern Bohemian Glass Earrings

To me the white glass bead with its striped pattern of red conjures up thoughts of Lunar Lanterns , and the pleated Chinese New Year paper lanterns.

To keep with that theme, I have added little transparent red glass beads to the top of the design.

The beautiful white glass beads are coated in a layer of red glass and then have facets and cuts ground into their sides which leaves sections of the red showing to create these interesting beads

This stunning design is approx. 4.25cm long

Lunar Lantern Bohemian glass earrings @MaxineFayeLunar Lantern Earrings

Availability: In stock

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